Privacy Policy

Vysioneer has created this Privacy Notice to describe our data practices with regards to the personal information we collect about users of the Vysioneer website available at and about users of the Vysioneer product. This Notice applies to all user personal information collected by Vysioneer through this website and the Vysioneer product

Information We Collect

We collect personally identifiable information about you when you use our website and the Vysioneer product.

Information you provide to us or to a third party

We collect the personal information you voluntarily provide to us, such as your name, contact information, company, and title, when you register for an Vysioneer product account (an “Account”), when you sign a contract, or when you request a demo or further information from the website.

Information collected by technologies

Log files – As is true of most websites, we gather certain information automatically and store it log files. These logs contain the Internet domain from which you access the site (e.g. search engine); the IP address which is automatically assigned to your computer when you get on the Internet; the type of operating system and browser you use; the time and date you visited; the pages you viewed; and the address of the website you linked from, if any. If you sign in to the Vysioneer product to use its features, our logs will contain an individual identifier and show the services you have accessed. Vysioneer uses log information to help us identify popular features, to resolve user problems, and to improve the design of our product.

Cookies – Like many online services, we use cookies to collect information. Cookies are small pieces of information that a website sends to your computer’s hard drive while you are viewing the website. Cookies serve a functional purpose and improve user website experience. If you decide at any time that you no longer wish to accept cookies from our site, then you can change your browser’s settings. If you do not accept cookies, however, you may not be able to use all portions of the website.

How we use your personal information

The personal data collected is used as part of the services provided by Vysioneer through its website and the Vysioneer product. Using the data minimization principle, Vysioneer commits to collect only the personal data strictly necessary and are for the following purposes:

  • processing a request for information and providing product marketing information that we think will be of use to you,
  • creating and managing your user account,
  • software updates,
  • educational and product support,
  • management of your registration for events organized by Vysioneer.

Regarding the GDPR, processing has legal bases in the context of a customer contract and regulatory compliance, and by consent for direct marketing activities.

In compliance with the regulation applicable to the use of your personal data, Vysioneer reserves the right to use your data for information purposes on its products and services or for any other purpose evident and necessary to the information of the user.

In general, Vysioneer uses your personal information to respond to your requests or to aid us in serving you better. We use personal information to perform data analysis and audits, safeguard and protect our site and the Vysioneer product, enhance, improve and modify the site and the Vysioneer product, create Accounts, identify usage trends, provide improved administration of our site and related products, identify you as a user in our system, send you administrative email notifications, respond to your inquiries, and to provide you the services you request.

How we share your information

Vysioneer shares or transfers your personal information as described below and as described elsewhere in this Notice:

  • Vysioneer may share your personal information to comply with a legal requirement or legal process served on or by Vysioneer, or in connection with a merger, financing, acquisition or dissolution transaction,
  • We will share your personal information with third party service providers to: provide you with the services that we offer through our website or products; to conduct quality assurance testing; to facilitate creation of Accounts; to provide technical support; and/or to provide other services to Vysioneer. In this case, all third parties are committed to follow applicable data protection regulations. This obligation is provided in the contracts that bind these third parties to Vysioneer according to data protection rules.

Personal information is processed in the country in which it was collected and in other countries where laws regarding processing of personal information may be less stringent than the laws in your country. By providing your personal information, you consent to such transfer.

Vysioneer undertakes to prove that personal data transferred outside the EU will be compliant to GDPR. Such transfers must be done: (a) on the basis of an adequacy decision, (b) appropriate safeguards or (c) binding corporate rules (BCR).

Storage Period Of Your Personal Data

Vysioneer retains your personal data only for the duration necessary for the operations for which they were collected and in compliance with the applicable regulations in force. Your personal data used in the Account/contract creation is kept for the duration of the contract and for an additional ten (10) years for purposes of regulatory compliance and commercial, without prejudice of the obligations of conservation or the limitation periods. Prospect data is retained for a period of three (3) years from the date of the data collection or from the last contact with Vysioneer.

Upon your request, we will delete or anonymize your personal data so that you can no longer be identified, unless the law authorizes or compels us to keep certain personal data, especially in the following situations:

  • If there is an unresolved issue with your account, such as unpaid or unresolved claim or litigation, we will retain the necessary personal data until the issue is resolved;
  • If we are required to retain personal data as a result of legal, tax, auditing and accounting obligations, we will retain the necessary personal data for the period required by applicable law.

How we protect your information

Vysioneer’ goal is to protect personal information submitted through its site and its products. Vysioneer maintains technical, administrative and physical safeguards designed to protect against unauthorized disclosure, alteration, use or destruction of the personal information you provide. Vysioneer implements all the measures at its disposal to create an environment for preserving the quality, security, and integrity of your personal data.

Vysioneer also employs reasonable technologies to help keep the personal information you provide on this site secure including: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption, firewalls, system alerts and other information system security technologies; housing health data with restricted network access.

However, we cannot ensure or warrant against all risks with regard to the security of that information, so information you choose to transmit to Vysioneer and which we store is provided to us at your own risk. Vysioneer does not guarantee that such information may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our safeguards. In addition, other services or Internet sites that may be accessible through Vysioneer have separate data and privacy practices independent of us, and we disclaim any responsibility or liability for their policies or actions.

Data Subject Rights

Except as limited by applicable law, such as medical device regulation compliance, your data subject rights are, as per the EU GDPR:

  • Right to be informed and to request access to the personal data we process;
  • Right to rectification: the right to ask us to update your personal data when they are inaccurate or incomplete;
  • Right to erasure: the right to ask us to permanently delete your personal data;
  • Right to restriction of processing: the right to ask us to stop temporarily or permanently the processing of all or part of your personal data;
  • Right to object: the right to refuse at any time the processing of your personal data for personal reasons or for direct marketing purposes;
  • Right to data portability: the right to request a copy of your personal data in electronic format and the right to transmit such personal data for use by a third party service.