
FDA cleared AI-powered brain tumor auto contouring solution

VBrain applies auto-contouring to the three most common types of brain tumors: brain metastasis, meningioma and acoustic neuroma.

Brain Metastasis
Brain Metastasis
Acoustic Neuroma
Acoustic Neuroma


Increased accuracy and pinpoint contouring break the barriers of experience.

Clinical findings indicated clinicians assisted by VBrain demonstrated 12.2 percent increase in lesion detection. Less experienced clinicians also demonstrated an increased accuracy with the help of VBrain. With increased ability to identify hard-to-find lesions and reduced inter-observer variation in contouring, patient outcomes are tremendously impacted.

Neuro-Oncology 2021

Randomized Multi-Reader Evaluation of Automated Detection and Segmentation of Brain Tumors in Stereotactic Radiosurgery with Deep Neural Networks. Neuro Oncology. 2021 Mar 23.

Without VBrain
Without VBrain
With VBrain
With VBrain


Optimizing workload capacity while increasing quality of care.
Fully automated contours are generated by VBrain in one minute. Hours of manual contouring time are reduced to within a few minutes with clinician attention only needed for review and validation, creating a quicker workflow and increasing productivity. Freeing clinicians from this manual process allows more time to focus on what is most important – quality patient care.


Enhance your treatment planning process with AI-powered tumor auto-contouring solutions. Gain a second set of eyes and hands to achieve better treatment outcomes.